Monday, 7 March 2011

Action Replay

Flying back from Thailand recently the movie True Grit was played twice on the plane (I say I flew back recently but that makes it sound like I travel back from there all the time – how else to put it? Flying back the other day?!). Good as the movie was, back to back servings of the same stuff rarely work well.

About ten minutes in the film was stopped and a guide about things to do in Bangkok was then put up – though the flight was going back to London, it was more enjoyable to see something new. This made me think about if you have a new project or idea, there can be some benefits to having a new face or means of promoting it.

I think there were two  positives which came to mind. Firstly you might find with a new speaker you are able to drawer on new contacts/affirmations from the audience you are communicating with that you could not previously draw upon. Secondly you have a peer who has more confidence in your faith in them, as well as their ability to present.

Double whammy – the message has an opportunity to move further and you have empowered an employee to trust their skills and abilities to present and communicate in future instances.

Overly postive and naive about how it could work? Maybe. Though surely worthy of experimenting with, espcially in these lean times when we are all taking on more and having to show a 'true grit' attitude to all of our respective professions.

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